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Рождение разума. Загадки нашего сознания - Вилейанур С. Рамачандран читать онлайн бесплатно

Рождение разума. Загадки нашего сознания - Вилейанур С. Рамачандран - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Вилейанур С. Рамачандран

Hirstein W., Ramachandran W. S. Capgras syndrome // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 1997, В 264, p. 437 — 444

Humphrey N. Consciousness regained. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

Hurley S., Noe A. Neural plasticity and consciousness // Bio logy and Philosophy, 2003, 18, p. 131 —168

Josephson B., Ramachandran V. S. Consciousness and the physical world. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1979.

La Cerra P., Bingham R. The origin of minds: evolution, uniqueness, and the new science of the self. New York: Harmony Books, 2002.

Lakoff G., Johnson M. Philosophy in the flesh: the embodied mmd and its challenge to western thought. New York; Basic Books, 1999.

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Merzenich M., Kaas J. Reorganization of mammalian somatosensory cortex following peripheral nerve injury // Trends in Neuroscience. 1980. 5. p. 434–436.

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Pons T. P., Garraghty P. E., Ommaya A. K., KaasJ., Taub E., Mischkin M. Massive cortical reorganization after sensory deafferentation in adult macaques // Science, 1991, 252, p. 1857–1860.

Ramachandran V. S. Anosognosia // Consciousness and Cognition, 1995, 1, p. 22–46.

Ramachandran V. S. Sharpening up «the science of art» //Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2001, 8 (1), p.9—29.

Ramachandran V. S., Altschuler E., Hilfyvr S. Mirror agnosia // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 1997, В 264, p. 645 — 647

Ramachandran V. S., Blakeslee S. Phantoms in the brain. Nevv York: William Moirow 1998.

Ramachandran V. S., Hirstein W. Three laws of qualia: whal neurology tells us about the biological functions of consciousness // Journal of Consciousness Studies. 1997, 4 (5–6), p 429–457.

Ramachandran V. S., Hirstein W. The perception ot pbaatom limbs; the D O. Hebb lecture // Brain, 1998, 121, p. 1603–1630.

Ramachandran V. S., Hirstein W. The science of art: a neurological theory of aesthetic experience // Journal of Consciousness Studies, 1999, 6 (6 — 71. p. 15–51.

Ramachandran V. S., Hubbard E. M. Psychophysical investigations into the neural basis of synaesthesia // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 2001a, В 268, p. 979–983.

Ramachandran V. S., Hubbard E. M. Synaesthesia — a window into perception, thought and language // Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2001b, 8 (12), p. 3—34.

Ramachandran V. S., Hubbard E. M. Synesthetic colors support symmetry perception, apparent motion, and ambiguous crowding Speech delivered at the 43 rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society. 2002, November 21—24

Ramachandran V. S., Hubbard E. M. Hearing colors and tasting shapes // Scientific American, 2003, May, p. 52–59.

Ramachandran V. S., Rogers‑Ramachandran D. Denial of disabilities in anosognosia // Nature, 1996, 377, p. 489–490.

Ramachandran V. S., Rogers‑Ramachandran D., Stewart M. Perceptual correlates of massive cortical reorganization // Science, 1992. 258: p. 1159–1160

Sathian K., Greenspan A. I., Wolf S. L. Doing it with mirrors, a case study of a novel approach to rehabilitation // Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2000, 14, p. 73–76.

Shodinger Erwin. Mind and matter // What is life? New York Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Stevens J., Stoykov M. E. Using motor imagery ш the rehabili tatlon of hemipaiesis // Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation, 2003. 84. p. 1090–1092.

Stoerig P., Cowey A. Wavelength sensitivity in blindsight // Nature, 1989, 342, p. 916–918.

Torey Z. The crucible of consciousness. Oxford; Oxford University Press. 1999

TreismanA. M., Gelade G. A feature‑mtegration theory of attention // Cognitive Psychology, 1980, 12 (1), p. 97—136

Turton A. J., Butler S. R. Referred sensations following stroke // Neurocase, 2001, 7 (5). p. 397–405

Wegner D. The illusion of conscious will, Cambridge, MA: MJT Press, 2002.

Weiskrantz L. Blindsight. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.

Whiten A. Imitation of sequential structure of actions in chimpanzees // Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1998, 112, p. 270–281.

Young A. W., Ellis H. D., Ouayle A. H., De Pauw K. W. Face processing impairments and the Capgras delusion // British Journal of Psychiatry, 1993. 162. p. 695–698.

Zeki S., Marmi L. Three cortical stages of colour processing in the human brain // Brain, 1998, 121 (9), p. 1669–1685.

Рекомендуемая литература

Baddeley A. D. Working memory. Oxford: Churchill Livingstone, 1986

Barlow H. B. The biological role of consciousness in mmdwaves. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987, p. 361–381.

Baron‑Cohen S. Mindblindness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995.

Bickerton D. Language and human behaviour. Seattle; University of Washington Press, 1994.

Blackmore Susan Consciousness: An Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Blakemore С. Mechanics of mind. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Carter R. Exploring consciousness. Berkeley; University of California Press, 2003

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