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Леонардо да Винчи и "Тайная вечеря" - Росс Кинг читать онлайн бесплатно

Леонардо да Винчи и "Тайная вечеря" - Росс Кинг - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Росс Кинг

Land. Leonardo da Vinci. – Land Norman E. Leonardo da Vinci in a Tale by Matteo Bandello // Discoveries (2006).

Landucci. A Florentine Diary. – Landucci Luca. A Florentine Diary from 1450 to 1516 / Trans. Alice de Rosen Jarvis. London: J. M. Dent, 1927.

Lane. A Course of Lectures on Syphilis. – Lane Samuel. A Course of Lectures on Syphilis // Lancet. 13 November 1841.

Lang. Leonardo’s Architectural Designs. – Lang S. Leonardo’s Architectural Designs and the Sforza Mausoleum // Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 31 (1968). P. 218–233.

Lansing. Passion and Order. – Lansing Carol. Passion and Order: Restraint of Grief in the Medieval Italian Communes. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008.

Laurenza. Leonardo: On Flight. – Laurenza Domenico. Leonardo: On Flight. Florence; Milan: Giunti, 2004.

Laurenza. Leonardo’s Machines. – Laurenza Domenico. Leonardo’s Machines: Secrets and Inventions in the Da Vinci Codices. Florence; Milan: Giunti, 2005.

Levy. Framing Widows. – Levy Allison. Framing Widows: Mourning, Gender and Portraiture in Early Modern Florence // Widowhood and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe – Ed. Allison Levy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003. P. 211–232.

Licht. Elysium. – Licht Mel. Elysium: A Prelude to Renaissance Theater // Renaissance Quarterly 49 (Spring 1996). P. 1–29.

Lipton. Images of Intolerance. – Lipton Sarah. Images of Intolerance: The Representation of Jews and Judaism in the Bible Moralisee. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.

Livio. The Golden Ratio. – Livio Mario. The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the Extraordinary Number of Nature, Art and Beauty. London: Review, 2002.

MacCurdy. Leonardo da Vinci. – MacCurdy Edward. Leonardo da Vinci. London: George Bell, 1908.

Macey. Bonfire Songs. – Macey Patrick. Bonfire Songs: Savonarola’s Musical Legacy. Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Machiavelli. Florentine Histories. – Machiavelli Niccolò. Florentine Histories / Trans. Laura F. Banfield, Harvey C. Manfield. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990.

Machiavelli. The Art of War. – Machiavelli Niccolò. The Art of War / Ed. and trans. Christopher Lynch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Machiavelli. The Prince. – Machiavelli Niccolò. The Prince / Trans. George Bull. London: Penguin, 1961.

Maiorini. Leonardo da Vinci. – Maiorini Giancarlo. Leonardo da Vinci: The Daedalian Mythmaker. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992.

Markowsky. Misconceptions. – Markowsky George. Misconceptions about the Golden Ratio // College Mathematics Journal 23 (January 1992). P. 2–19.

Martines. Scourge and Fire. – Martines Lauro. Scourge and Fire: Savonarola and Renaissance Florence. London: Jonathan Cape, 2006.

Masters. Fortune is a River. – Masters Roger D. Fortune is a River: Leonardo da Vinci and Niccolò Machiavelli’s Magnificent Dream to Change the Course of Florentine History. New York: Plume, 1999.

Matteini, Moles. A Preliminary Investigation. – Matteini Mauro, Moles Arcangelo. A Preliminary Investigation of the Unusual Technique of Leonardo’s Mural «The Last Supper» // Studies in Conservation 24, no. 3 (August 1979). P. 125–133.

McGrath. Lodovico il Moro. – McGrath Elizabeth. Lodovico il Moro and his Moors // Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 65 (2002). P. 67–94.

Merrifield. The Art of Fresco Painting. – Merrifield Mary Philadelphia. The Art of Fresco Painting as Practised by the Old Italian and Spanish Masters. London: Charles Gilpin, 1846.

Michelangelo. The Letters. – Michelangelo Buonarroti. The Letters of Michelangelo / Ed. by E. H. Ramsden. Vol. 1. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1963.

Miller. The Last Word. – Miller Laura. The Last Word: The Da Vinci Con // New York Times, 22 February 2004.

Milman. History. – Milman Henry Hart. History of Latin Christianity. Vol. 4. London: John Murray, 1855.

Mirzoeff. Silent Poetry. – Mirzoeff Nicholas. Silent Poetry: Deafness, Sign and Visual Culture in Early Modern France. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995.

Moffitt. Painterly Perspective. – Moffitt John F. Painterly Perspective and Piety: Religious Uses of the Vanishing Point, from the 15th to the 18th Century. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008.

Moffitt. Painters «Born Under Saturn». – Moffitt John F. Painters «Born Under Saturn»: The Physiological Explanation // Art History 11 (1988). P. 195–216.

Monstadt. Judas beim Abendmahl. – Monstadt Brigitte. Judas beim Abendmahl: Figurenkonstellation und Bedeutung in Darstellungen von Giotto bis Andrea del Sarto. Munich: Scaneg, 1995.

Montelupo. Vita. – Montelupo Raffaello da. Vita da Raffaello da Montelupo / Ed. Riccardo Gatteschi. Florence: Polistampa, 1998.

Montléon. Le cenacle. – Montléon Aimé Guillon de. Le cénacle de Léonard de Vinci rendu aux amis des Beaux-Arts dans le tableau aujourd’hui chez un citoyen de Milan. Milan and Lyon: Dumolard, 1811.

Monumenta ordinis. – Monumenta ordinis fratrum praedicatorum historica. Vol. 15. Rome: Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 1933.

Moore. Leonardo da Vinci. – Moore Malcolm. Leonardo da Vinci may have been an Arab // Telegraph, 7 December 2007.

Morley. The Plant Illustrations. – Morley Brian. The Plant Illustrations of Leonardo da Vinci // The Burlington Magazine, 121 (September 1979). P. 553–562.

Murray. The Art of the Renaissance. – Murray Peter and Linda. The Art of the Renaissance. London: Thames & Hudson, 1963.

Murray. The New Wine. – Murray Paul. The New Wine of Dominican Spirituality: A Drink Called Happiness. London: Continuum, 2006.

Nagel. Structural Indeterminacy. – Nagel Alexander. Structural Indeterminacy in Early Sixteenth Century Italian Painting // Subject as Aporia in Early Modern Art / Ed. Alexander Nagel and Lorenzo Pericolo. Farnham, Hants: Ashgate, 2010. P. 17–23.

Najemy. A History of Florence. – Najemy John M. A History of Florence, 1200–1575. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.

Neil. The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations. – Neil James. The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations in Human Societies. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2009.

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