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Средневековье в юбке - Екатерина Мишаненкова - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Екатерина Мишаненкова

Goldberg J. Some Reflections on Women, Work, and the Family in the Later Medieval English Town.

Goldberg P. J. P. Home work: The bourgeois wife in later medieval England.

Goodman R. How to Behave Badly in Elizabethan England: A Guide for Knaves, Fools, Harlots, Cuckolds, Drunkards, Liars, Thieves, and Braggarts.

Goodman R. How to Behave Badly in Renaissance Britain.

Goodman R. How to be a Tudor: A Dawn-to-Dusk Guide to Everyday Life.

Grasmick-Black L. Women’s Work: Evaluating the Evidence for Women in Guilds and Trades in York, England between 1272 and 1377.

Green M. Bodies, Gender, Health, Disease: Recent Work on Medieval Women’s Medicine.

Green M. From «Diseases of Women» to «Secrets of Women»: The Transformation of Gynecological Literature in the Later Middle Ages.

Green M. Making Motherhood in Medieval England: The Evidence from Medicine // Motherhood, Religion, and Society in Medieval Europe, 400-1400. Essays Presented to Henrietta Leyser.

Green M. «Recent Work on Women’s Medicine in Medieval Europe».

Green M. The Trotula: A Medieval Compendium of Women’s Medicine.

Green M. Who/What is «Trotula»?

Gravett C. English Medieval Knight 1400–1500.

Hanawalt B. A. The wealth of wives: women, law, and economy in late medieval London.

Handbook of medieval sexuality / edited by Bullough V. L. and Brundage J. A.

Hurwich, Judith J. Noble Strategies: Marriage and Sexuality in the Zimmern Chronicle.

Karras R. M. Common Women: Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England

Keene K. De Mulieribus: How Do We Study Medieval Women.

Lacroix P. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages and the Period of the Renaissance.

L’Estrange E. Gazing at Gawain: Reconsidering Tournaments, Courtly Love, and the Lady Who Looks.

Lindquist Sh. С. M. The Meanings of Nudity in Medieval Art.

Le Goff J., The Medieval World.

Leyser H. Medieval Women.

Manners and Household Expenses of England in the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, illustrated by original records.

Married Women and the Law in Premodern Northwest Europe / edited by C. Beattie and M. F. Stevens.

McCarthy C. Marriage in Medieval England: Law, Literature and Practice.

Medieval Elite Women and the Exercise of Power, 1100–1400: Moving beyond the Exceptionalist Debate / edited by H. J. Tanner.

Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook / edited by A. Harper and C. Proctor.

Mitchell L. Family life in the Middle Ages.

Moffat R. The Medieval Tournament. Chivalry heraldry and reality.

Monter E. W. ed. European Witchcraft.

Morrison S. S. Women pilgrims in late medieval England: private piety and public performance.

Navas C. C. Secrets of women: naming female sexual difference in medieval herbrew medical literature.

New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liege and their Impact / edited by J. Dor, L. Johnson and J. Wogan-Browne.

Park K. Managing Childbirth and Fertility in Medieval Europe.

Park K. The Secrets of Women: Gender, Generation and the Origins of Human Dissection.

Phillips K. A Cultural History of Women in the Middle Ages.

Pol, L. van de. The Burgher and the Whore. Prostitution in Early Modern Amsterdam.

Poly J.-P. Regime domanial et rapports de production «feodalistes» dans le Midi de la France (VIII–X siecles).

Poos L. R. Sex, Lies, and the Church Courts of Pre-Reformation England.

Richmond C. The Paston Family in the Fifteenth Century.

Rider C. Magic and Impotence in the Middle Ages.

Rigby S. H. The Wife of Bath, Christine de Pizan, and the Medieval Case for Women.

Robertson S. Age of Consent Laws // Children and Youth in History, 2018.

Singman J. L. Daily Life in Medieval Europe.

Swift H. J. Gender, Writing, and Performance: Men Defending Women in Late Medieval France, 1440–1538.

The inner life of women in medieval romance literature: grief, guilt, and hypocrisy / edited by J. Rider and J. Friedman.

The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe / edited by J. M. Bennett and R. Karras.

The York mercers and merchant adventurers, 1356–1917.

Thrupp S. The merchant class of the Medieval London (1300–1500).

Ward J. Women in England in the Middle Age.

Weir A. Elizabeth of York: A Tudor Queen and Her World.

Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe / edited by E. M. Dermineur.

Women and wealth in late Medieval Europe / edited by T. Earenfight.

Women in England, c. 1275–1525: Documentary Sources / translated and edited by P. J. P. Goldberg.

Women’s Lives in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook (second edition) / edited by E. Amt. Manchester University

Young, Bruce W. 2008. Family Life in the Age of Shakespeare.

Иллюстрации Средневековье в юбке

Обличение нравов, Валерий Максим, «Достопамятные деяния и изречения», манускрипт 1450–1475 гг., Франция.

Средневековье в юбке

Этика, политика и экономика Аристотеля, манускрипт 1453–1454 гг., Франция.

Средневековье в юбке

Пенелопа, «Жизнь знаменитых женщин», Боккаччо, манускрипт 1420–1425 гг., Франция.

Средневековье в юбке

Ослепление Товита, Историческая библия Эдуарда IV

Средневековье в юбке

Наказание соперника в присутствии неверной дамы, «Маленький Жан из Сантре», манускрипт последней четверти XV в., Франция.

Средневековье в юбке

Монахини, Житие Людовика Святого, французский манускрипт второй половины XV в.

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