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Люди и собаки - Доминик Гийо - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Доминик Гийо

Gácsi M. et alii, «Are readers of our face readers of our minds? Dogs (Canis familiaris) show situation-dependent recognition of human's attention», Animal Cognition, 2004, vol. 7, n° 3, p. 144–153.

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Miller P. E., Murphy C. G., «Vision in dogs», Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1995, n° 207, p. 1623–1634.

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Mitchell R. W., Thompson N. S., «Familiarity and the rarity of deception: two theories and their relevance to play between dogs (Canis familiaris) and humans (Homo sapiens)», Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1993, vol. 107, n° 3, p. 291–300.

Molnár Cs et alii, «Can humans discriminate dogs individually by acoustic parameters of barks», Behavioral Processes, 2006, n° 73, p. 76–83.

Morey D. F., «Burying key evidence: the social bond between dogs and people», Journal of Archaeological Science, 2006, vol. 33, n° 2, p. 158–175.

Morey D. F., Aaris-Sorensen K., «Paleoeskimo dogs of the Eastern Arctic», Arctic, 2002, n° 55, p. 44–56.

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Parker h. G., Ostrander E. A., «Canine genomics and genetics: running with the Pack», PLoS Genetics, 2005, vol. 1, n° 5, p. 507–513.

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Rasmussen J. L., Rajecki D. W., «Differences and similarities in human's perceptions of the thinking and feeling of a dog and a boy», Society and Animals, 1995, n° 3, p. 117–137.

Schleidt W. M., Shalter M. D., «Co-evolution of humans and canids», Evolution and Cognition, 2003, vol. 9, n° 1, p. 57–72.

Soproni K. et alii, «Comprehension of human communicative signs in pet dogs», Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2001, n° 115, p. 122–126.

Soproni K. et alii, «Dog's (Canis familiaris) responsiveness to human pointing gestures», Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2002, n° 116, p. 27–34.

TopâlJ. et alii, «Attachment behavior in dogs (Canis familiaris): a new application of Ainsworth's (1969) strange situation test», Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1998, vol. 112, n° 3, p. 219–229.

Topál J. et alii, «Mindreading in a dog: an adaptation of a primate «mental attribution» study», International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 2006, vol. 6, n° 3, p. 365–379.

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