Мозг онлайн. Человек в эпоху Интернета - Гиги Ворган Страница 58

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Мозг онлайн. Человек в эпоху Интернета - Гиги Ворган читать онлайн бесплатно

Мозг онлайн. Человек в эпоху Интернета - Гиги Ворган - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Гиги Ворган

87. Worker fired over visit to adult chat room sues IBM. Los Angeles Times (Associated Press). February 19, 2007

88. Craig S., Zuckerman G. BlackBerry addicts also can’t resist this little game. The Wall Street Journal. February 17, 2007

89. Associated Press. Stanford University study warns of Internet Addiction, http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=local&id=73050

90. Kanwal N., Anand A.P. Internet addiction in students: A cause of concern. Cyberpsycholog у & Behavior 2003; 6:653-656

91. Goldman D., Orisci G., Ducci F. The genetics of addictions: uncovering the genes. Nature Review Genetics 2005; 6:521-532

92. Leung L. Net-generation attributes and seductive properties of the Internet as predictors of online activitiesand Internet addiction. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2004; 7:333-347

93. Pham A. Gaming junkies get no diagnosis. Los Angeles Times. June 28, 2007

94. Beard K. W. Internet addiction. A review of current assessment techniques and potential assessment questions. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2005; 8:7-15

95. Hakala P. T., Rimpela A. H., Saarni L. A., Salminen J. J. Frequent computer-related activities increase the risk

of neck-shoulder and low back pain in adolescents. European Journal of Public Health 2006; 16:536-541

96. Beard K. W. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2005; 8:7-15

97. Reuters. Twelve-step program aims to cure e-mail addiction, www.reuters.com/article/internetNews/idUSN1943527720070220

98. Rau P.P., Peng S., Yang C. Time distortion for expert and novice online game players. Cyberpsycholog у & Behavior 2006; 9:396—403

99. Lenhart A. Social networking websites and teens: An overview. Pew Internet & American Life Project. January 3, 2007, www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_SNS_Data_Memo_Jan_2007.pdf

100. Rau et al. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2006; 9: 396-403

101. Griffiths M. D., Davies M. N. O., Chappell D. Demographic factors and playing variables in online computer gaming. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2004; 4:479-487

102. Alter A. Is this man cheating on his wife? The Wall Street Journal. August 10, 2007

103. Spink A., Jansen B.J. Web Search: Public Searching of the Web. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2004

104. Maltz W., Maltz L The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography. HarperCollins, New York, NY, 2008

105. Spink A., Ozmutlu H.C., Lorence D.P. Web searching for sexual information: an exploratory study. Information Processing and Management 2004; 40:113-123

106. Dun and Bradstreet Survey. D&B study shows seven out of 10 U.S. small businesses now have Internet access. May 25, 2000, www.dnb.com/newsview/0500news8.htm

107. Cooper A., Safir M. P., Rosenmann A. Workplace worries: A preliminary look at online sexual activities at the office — emerging issues for clinicians and employers. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2006: 9:22-29

108. Lorenz V. C., Politzer R. M. Yaffee R. A. Final report of the Task Force on Gambling Addiction in Maryland, www.nyu.edu/its/statistics/D0cs/task_force_4.html

109. Ackman D. Why pick on Internet gambling? Los Angeles Times. October 29, 2006, www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-op-ackman290ct29,0,656569.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail

110. Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006, www.techlawjournal.com/cong109/bills/house/gambling/20060929.asp

111. George Ladd and Nancy Petry of the University of Connecticut: Ladd GT, Petry NM. Disordered gambling among university-based medical and dental patients: A focus on Internet gambling. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 2002:16:76-79

112. Dodd M. L, Klos K. J., Bower J. H., et al. Pathological gambling caused by drugs used to treat Parkinson disease. Archives of Neurolog у 2005; 62:1377-1381

113. Ransom I. Chinese boot camps tackle Internet addiction. International Herald Tribune. March 12, 2007, www.iht.c0m/articles/2007/03/12/business/addicts.php.

Глава 4. Технологии и поведение: СДВГ, дети индиго и другие аномалии

114. Tup Р. А., O’Kane G., Wingfield A. Distraction by competing speech in young and older adult listeners. Psychology and Aging 2002; 17:453-467

115. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR, Fourth Edition (text revision). Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association. 2000

116. Polanczyk G., Rohde LA. Epidemiology of attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder across the lifespan. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2007; 20:386-392

117. Chan P. A., Rabinowitz T. A cross-sectional analysis of video games and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders symptoms in adolescents. Annals of General Psychiatry 2006; 5:16

118. Yen J. Y., Ко C. H., Yen C. F., Wu H. Y., Yang M. J. The comorbid psychiatric symptoms of Internet addiction: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, social phobia, and hostility. Journal of Adolescent Health 2007; 41:93-98

119. Ha J. H., Yoo H. J., Cho I. H., Chin R, Shin D., Kim J. H Psychiatric comorbidity assessed in Korean children and adolescents who screen positive for Internet addiction. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2006; 67:821-826

120. Christakis D. A., Zimmerman F. J., DiGuiseppe D. L, McCarty C. A. Early television exposure and subsequent attentional problems in children. Pediatrics 2004; 113:707-713

121. American Academy of Pediatrics. Children, adolescents, and television. Pediatrics 2001; 107:423-426

122. Vandewater E. A., Rideout V. J., Wartella E. A., Huang X., Lee J. H., Shim M. S. Digital childhood: Electronic media and technology use among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Pediatrics 2007; 119(5):e1006-1015, http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/119/5/e1006

123. Spencer T. J., Biederman J., Mick E. Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis, lifespan, comorbidities, and neurobiolog y. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2007; 32:631-642

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