Русское влияние в Евразии. Геополитическая история от становления государства до времен Путина - Арно Леклерк Страница 105

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Русское влияние в Евразии. Геополитическая история от становления государства до времен Путина - Арно Леклерк читать онлайн бесплатно

Русское влияние в Евразии. Геополитическая история от становления государства до времен Путина - Арно Леклерк - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Арно Леклерк

Russia: Concerns Over U. S. Warship Deployment In Black Sea

Source: Stratfor, 12 juin 2011

Nuclear threat still high despite weapons cuts, report says

Source: Ria Novosti, 7 juin 2011

Russia: Nuclear Arsenal Below Levels Required By New START – Report

Source: Stratfor, 2 juin 2011

Russia: Bulava Missile May Be Operational Before 2012

Source: Stratfor, 2 juin 2011

Russia to build nuclear aircraft carrier by 2023

Source: Ria Novosti, 30 juin 2011

Russia: Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile Test Successful – Official

Source: Stratfor, 28 juin 2011

Mistral-Class Ships To Strengthen Russia Over Maritime Neighbors

Source: Jamestown, 27 juin 2011

Russia ratifies extension of military base deal in Armenia

Source: Ria Novosti, 21 juin 2011

Russia: German Company To Build Military Training Center

Source: Stratfor, 21 juin 2011

Russia and France: New Levels of Cooperation

Source: Stratfor, 21 juin 2011

Mistral: Flagship of friendship

Source: Ria Novosti, 20 juin 2011

Démissions controversées de généraux russes après une réforme de l’armée – Lead

Source: AFP, 5 juil 2011

The Russian Sea-Based Deterrent Development Seems On Track

Source: Jamestown, 30 juin 2011

La Russie promet de livrer à l’Inde le sous-marin Nerpa avant la fi n 2011

Source: AFP, 1 juil 2011

Russia against U.S. missile shield elements in Black Sea

Source: Ria Novosti, 28 juil 2011

Russia test fires Sineva missile in Barents Sea

Source: Ria Novosti, 27 juil 2011

Russia needs a military-industrial complex

Source: Ria Novosti, 26 juil 2011

Azerbaijan: Military Cooperation With Russia Growing – DM

Source: Stratfor, 25 juil 2011

Russia: Military Spending To Increase By 50 Percent In 2011

Source: Stratfor, 26 juil 2011

Tajikistan repeats call for Russia to pay for military base

Source: Ria Novosti, 18 juil 2011

Russian Arms: Bad Quality and Overpriced

Source: Jamestown, 21 juil 2011

Россия / Сырьевые ресурсы

Russia: Uranium Reserves, Production Have Increased

Source: Stratfor, 5 oct 2010

Russia oil output hits new record in September

Source: Reuters, 2 oct 2010

600–800 companies to participate in Shtokman

Source: The Barents Observer, 30 sept 2010

La Russie et la Chine inaugurent un oléoduc et négocient sur le gaz – Papier Général, Prev

Source: AFP, 27 sept 2010

Russia Makes Moves for Ukraine’s Naft ogaz

Source: Stratfor, 1 oct 2010

Russie/exportations de céréales: embargo au moins jusqu’en juillet 2011

Source: AFP, 1 oct 2010

Géorgie: Rosneft va explorer de potentiels puits de pétrole en Abkhazie

Source: AFP, 13 oct 2010

Russia to invest over $400bln in gas sector by 2030 (Update 1)

Source: Ria Novosti, 11 oct 2010

Russia palladium stocks may be ‘finished’ next yr-Norilsk

Source: Reuters, 8 oct 2010

Turkmenistan’s Energy Attracts Russia and Uzbekistan’s Attention

Source: Stratfor, 20 oct 2010

FACTBOX-Russian oil output hits all-time record-high

Source: Reuters, 2 nov 2010

Trillions necessary to maintain Russia’s oil production

Source: The Moscow News, 29 oct 2010

The Siberian Energy Rush

Source: Fast Company, 1 nov 2010

Russian Black Sea Oil Exports May Fall on New Capacity to Asia

Source: Bloomberg, 29 nov 2010

Russia and China: A love affair fueled by oil and gas

Source: Ria Novosti, 25 nov 2010

Russian govt approves additional expenses for Sakhalin-1 project for 2010 – energy ministry

Source: Ria Novosti, 29 nov 2010

Russia to create «Titanium Valley»

Source: Reuters, 18 nov 2010

Russia’s Sakhalin–1 Natural Gas Development

Source: Global Intelligence Report, 14 dec 2010

Hydrocarbures: Exxon et BP souhaitent accéder au plateau continental russe (Setchine)

Source: Ria Novosti, 13 dec 2010

Medvedev urges program of hydrocarbon output from unconventional sources

Source: Ria Novosti, 13 dec 2010

Russia, Mongolia: Joint Uranium Mining Agreement Signed

Source: Stratfor, 14 dec 2010

Russia Poised to Control 50 % of U. S. Uranium Output, FT Says

Source: Bloomberg, 6 dec 2010

Moscow Increases Its Focus on Solving the North Caucasus Riddle

Source: Jamestown, 6 dec 2010

Russia holds more rare earth reserves than China

Source: Commodity Online, 8 dec 2010

WikiLeaks: Berlusconi, Poutine et la géopolitique des corridors énergetiques

Source: Zebra Station Polaire, 4 dec 2010

La locomotive énergétique de l’économie russe patine

Source: Ria Novosti, 2 dec 2010

Mise en service d’un oléoduc entre la Russie et la Chine

Source: AFP, 1 jan 2011

Russia adds record 5.5 bln barrels to prospected oil reserves in 2010 – minister

Source: Ria Novosti, 25 dec 2010

Eni prolonge son accord stratégique avec gazprom jusqu’en 2012

Source: AFP, 23 dec 2010

Gazprom and Rosneft move to the shelf

Source: Publics, 22 dec 2010

Russia eyes modernisation of its oil industry

Source: BBC, 19 dec 2010

Russia ratifies uranium agreement with Mongolia

Source: Ria Novosti, 6 jan 2011

Russia Seeks to Sustain its Crude Oil Output

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